One free 30-minute consultation. Anything afterwards £50.
- Family law
- Motoring law
- Debt recovery
- Employment law
- Immigration
- Conveyancing
- Personal Injury
- Landlord & Tenants
- Litigation
Case assessment and letter of advice – £250
Case assessment and letter to ex-partner – £300
Case assessment and letter to third party – £300
Our normal fees are £750, though we may charge more for unusually complicated divorces.
You’ll also need to pay a court fee of £550.
Key stages and timescales:
We complete the initial divorce application form and send a copy of this to the other party, giving them 7 days to respond. Once the 7 days have elapsed, if we receive no response we will file the petition at court. Once acknowledgement of service has been received from the respondent, we then apply for a decree nisi. Once decree nisi has been granted, we wait 6 weeks and one day from this date, then apply for decree absolute. Once decree absolute has been granted, you are officially divorced.
The whole process generally takes 6-8 months, but there are considerable time delays currently due to Covid-19.
Financial settlements:
Financial consent order (straightforward assets) – £50 court fee plus £500 our fees
Alternative financial settlements will be billed on an hourly rate basis. Our solicitors have different hourly rates depending on their experience, your case handler’s hourly rate will be discussed in the initial free consultation, but these range from £120 per hour for paralegals to £200 per hour for partners and consultants.
Child arrangements order including prohibited steps order, specific issue order and consent order – £215 court fee plus our fees, charged on an hourly rate. Estimated £2500.
Representation in court:
Prices can range depending on appearances and trials, from around £600-£2000.
Parties should attend mediation before filing an application to court for child arrangements, unless mediation is exempt, for example in cases where there has been domestic violence.
After filing the C100 at court, the court will list it for a FHDRA (First Hearing) to determine the facts of the case and next steps. In some cases, this can be treated as the final hearing if an amicable agreement has been reached.
If not, the court will set a timetable for what happens next. They may instruct CAFCASS to prepare a report determining what is in the best interests of the child.
VAT is applicable to all the above.